Head Instructor : Jorge Braga Cabrera
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Beginning of practice in martial art: January 1980
Instructor and Director of his academy: Since January 1986 Martial Graduation and its Teachers Black Belt Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (April 18, 2013) C.N. 7th Dan Hapkido, student of Grandmaster Shin Hank Shik and Doju Nim Ji Han Jae (Founder of Hapkido) C.N. 6 ° Dan Taekwondo, student of Grandmaster Shin Hank Shik (9th Dan Taekwondo) C.N. 2nd Dan Han Mu Do, student of Master Dr. He Young Kimm (9th Dan, Founder of HMD)
Positions held Secretary of the Brazilian National Jiu-Jitsu Federation 2010-present
President of the Maya Hapkido Association 2000-present
President of the Judo Association of the State of Yucatan. 1999-2003, 2003-2007 Member of the Mexican Judo Federation A.C. 2001-2005
President of the Yucateca Association of Jiu Jitsu 2015-present
President of the Association of SMA of the South-east 2014-present
Sports activities and Competitions:
Bronze medal at the VI National Jiu Jitsu Brazilian Tournament 2011 in Mexico, D.F. October 29, 2011
Bronze Medal at the 2nd National Jiu Jitsu No-Gi 2011 Tournament in Mexico, D.F. May 28, 2011
Silver medal in the V Brazilian National Jiu Jitsu Championship, Galeana Hermanos Deportivo Deportivo, D.F. November 20, 2010
Participant in the Reference Course of the International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation, Mexico, D.F. November 19, 2010
Referee Total Contact Night Tournament in Villahermosa, Tabasco, April 24, 2010
Silver medal in the 1st National Championship of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu No-Gi, La Salle University, D.F. March 6, 2010
Bronze medal at the IV Brazilian National Jiu Jitsu Championship, Tlanepantla, Edo. Mex. November 2009
Bronze medal at the III National Championship of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Tlanepantla, Edo. Mex. November 08, 2008.
Other activities: Instructor at multiple Hapkido seminars in Mexico, USA and South America. Instructor in seminars of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu in several states of Mexico. Referee of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA and Taekwondo. Tournament organizer of Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, MMA events and Taekwondo tournaments.
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Av. 2000 calle 50 No. 309 x 61 y 67 de Francisco de Montejo
Mérida, Mexico